A Conversation with Source

To prepare for my trip to Delphi I’ve started doing ‘deep soul writing’. Inspired by Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God, I decided a while ago that if Walsch could access Source, so could I. But it wasn’t until I read Janet Conner’s book, Writing Down Your Soul, that I actually started doing it. After following Conner’s four steps (show up; open up; listen up; and follow up) and practicing for a few weeks, I asked Source what to expect from my trip and I got answers! As is common with this process, my pen wrote as if possessed.

C: Dear Spirit, PLEASE: (Conner suggests finding your own name for Source and using it along with some kind of an invocation each time you sit down to write.)

“If it is helpful for me to know what happened to me in Delphi, please let me see it.”

S: “It is not time yet.”

C: “What else should I be looking at now to prepare myself for this trip.”

S: “Make yourself as strong as you possibly can. You will be tested mentally, emotionally and physically. Only by preparing will you survive this test.”

C: “After this experience, will I know what my mission is? Will I have access to Source to guide me?”

S: “You know what it is you are to do, but you need clarity, you need strength and confidence. To prepare, continue to absorb the writings and experiences of others who have been tested. Follow their lead and know you will be protected by everyone around you.”

C: “Is there anything else I need to know or to do at this time?”

S: “Be still and let information come. Record all your thoughts and your dreams. Know that the dreams and the voices that have come are leading you along your path.”

This was pretty amazing – a bit ominous, but encouraging nonetheless. I’ve been writing every day since this conversation with what Conner calls The Voice, but nothing else has come through yet, at least not in writing. But when I asked (implored is more like it) the Source for courage to pull the trigger on this trip and for inspiration to start this blog, I got answers of a different sort. More on that tomorrow!


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